From the Associate Principal

Hello Parents and Students!


The end of the third quarter is only 8 school days away.  Remaining current with assignments and regularly getting extra help will help ensure a solid grade going into the fourth quarter!

Topics included in this article are:

  • Quarter 3 Grades
  • AP Exams
  • Final Exams - Friday, 5/22 and Tuesday-Wednesday,  5/26-5/27
  • Graduation Requirements for Class of 2020
  • Planning Ahead for 2020-2021
    • Course Selection and Scheduling for 2020-2021
    • Important Dates for 2020-2021

Quarter 3 Grades


The last school day of the third quarter is Thursday, March 12.  Please take a few minutes to access RenWeb’s grade book and speak with your student(s) regarding their current class progress.  If they have missing work (due to illness or other absences) or tests and quizzes that have not yet been made up, THEY must speak with their teacher ASAP to schedule a time to complete the work.  Students not making the time to take tests and quizzes before Thursday, March 12 will likely have a zero entered in the grade book for that particular assignment, quiz, or test.


Please note that report cards will not be mailed home at the end of the quarter.  A digital version of the report card will be available for viewing on RenWeb by Wednesday, March 25.


AP Exams


AP Exams were ordered in the fall and students and teachers are preparing for the tests.  AP Exams begin in 8 class weeks. While the cost of $94/exam may sound high, many colleges allow students to skip courses expected of all freshmen; so, $94 now may save hundreds if not thousands of college tuition later!


Exams take place May 4-15.  The College Board is very strict about attendance and behavior during the exams.  Students taking an AP course will be provided a Student and Family Bulletin that provides all the necessary information.  Please look ahead on your calendars and reschedule any appointments or other obligations that conflict with the AP exams. It is very difficult for the school to approve a retake of the exam for students who miss the regularly scheduled exam time.  


Final Exams - Friday, 5/22 AND Tuesday and Wednesday, May 26-27


Please look ahead to May.  If your daughter or son has an appointment or other commitment scheduled, please reschedule it.  It is much more difficult for students to demonstrate their learning when they take their exams under unique circumstances.  Taking the exam with their class at the regularly scheduled time allows them greater opportunity for success.


Graduation Requirements for Class of 2020

Just a reminder, by this point each student must have completed and submitted paperwork for all required Christian Service Program hours.  Additionally, if they have taken any courses at a school other than SFHS, it is worth the time to ensure the grades have been submitted to St. Francis and have been added to their transcript, where applicable.  Have your senior ask Ms. Gutierrez for an unofficial copy of the transcript to ensure the applicable course(s) have been added.  

Also, now is the time to request official transcripts from any other school. Those transcripts can be sent to your home, but DO NOT OPEN THEM.  They should be kept sealed so they can be provided to your student’s college. St. Francis will send our official transcripts in June after the semester 2 grades have been finalized.


Planning Ahead- Scheduling Process 2020-2021

The Academic Departments have begun conversations regarding the course catalog, textbooks, and courses to be offered during the 2020-2021 school year.  

Planning Ahead- School Calendar 2020-2021

School attendance is incredibly important for students.  No matter how much they and their teachers communicate and work together one-on-one, missed class time can have a negative impact on a student’s ability to learn the curriculum and balance their academic priorities.  Please use the following dates when scheduling future trips, appointments, and other discretionary absences.

  • Monday, July 20, 2020 - Friday, July 31, 2020: Summer Bridge Program
  • Thursday, August 13, 2020: New Student Orientation
  • Friday, August 14: First Day of Classes
  • Friday, September 4: Grandparents Day
  • Monday, September 7: Labor Day Holiday
  • Monday, November 23 - Friday, November 27: Thanksgiving Break
  • Wednesday, December 16 - Friday, December 18: FINAL EXAMS
    • No student should miss final exams unless sick with a doctor’s note!
  • December 21 - January 8: Christmas Break
  • Monday, January 11, 2021: Classes Resume
  • Monday, February 15: Presidents’ Day (School Holiday)
  • Monday, March 29 - Friday, April 9: Easter Break
  • Monday, May 3 - Friday, May 14: AP Exams
  • Tuesday, May 25 - Thursday, May 27: FINAL EXAMS
    • No student should miss final exams unless sick with a doctor’s note!
  • Friday, May 28: Baccalaureate Mass for Class of 2021
  • Saturday, May 29: Graduation for Class of 2021
  • Friday, June 4: Athletics Department Golf Tournament


Finally, the spring semester goes very quickly, so thanks for all you do to help students remain engaged.  Also important is their ability to stay healthy, so please do not let them underestimate the importance of a good night’s sleep and healthy meals.


Ms. Colleen Eagleson
Associate Principal
