From the Assistant Principal of Academics

From the Assistant Principal of Academics


Hello, Parents and Students!


The school year continues to move along at a brisk pace.  We have completed the first quarter of our academic schedule; report cards were issued via RenWeb on October 21st.  If you have not yet had the opportunity to view and verify your student's report card, please do so as soon as possible so that we can ensure that your student is on track for success in the first semester.  Report cards at the end of the semester will be a hard copy that is mailed home.


Thank you to those parents who scheduled and attended a meeting with teachers during parent-teacher conferences on October 27th.  If you would like to meet with a teacher, but were unable to arrange a meeting, please contact that teacher directly via email to arrange a mutually agreeable conference time and date.


Our school is currently preparing to begin our next cycle of accreditation through the Western Catholic Educational Association (WCEA).  Representatives from WCEA along with local teachers and administrators from the Diocese of Monterey will be visiting our school in the spring of 2018.  To gather information, in preparation for preparing our report, I will be sending out a survey to all parents towards the end of this month.  When you receive the survey, via email, please take a few moments to complete it.  Having this data is vital to help make our school an even greater place to worship, play, learn, and prepare for college.


Faculty and staff have been organized into “home groups” to focus on the different sections of the report.  These home groups will also include students, parents, and board members beginning in January 2017.  Our home group leaders will be reaching out to you to ask for your participation in reviewing the data regarding our school.  If this is something that you would like to do, in service of the school, please contact me and I will pass your name on the the group leaders.


With the holidays approaching, there are only 14 scheduled meetings with each class remaining in the fall semester (as of November 2nd).  This is a vitally important time for students to focus on their studies.  Please continue to check student progress on RenWeb, maintain open lines of communication with your student’s teachers, and encourage your student(s) to work hard through the end of the semester.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding an academic issue, please feel free to contact me at 831-724-5933 x203 or by email at [email protected].




David M. Cmaylo

Assistant Principal of Academics