Business Office

Voice Mail System

We have been experiencing issues with our voice mail system and have been diligently working with our provider to resolve the problem.  At this time the best way to reach is staff member is via email. Please visit the contact us section of our school website or use one of the links below to be redirected to the staff members email listed by department.   




Support Staff


As per school policy  tuition must be kept current at all times, and in trying to create a working relationship with families, an in-house review of all accounts will be done

regularly. All families began their tuition payments during the month of July.  A family that is delinquent by two months will be asked to promptly address the status of their account for the first semester based on the following schedule as stated in the Student-Family Handbook:

  • If your student’s tuition account is not current by September 1, 2018 they will be removed from attending classes starting September 5, 2018.

  • If your student’s tuition account is not current by December 3, 2018, they will be removed from attending classes starting December 5, 2018.

As a reminder a review will also be done prior to the end of the semester and the administration of semester exams.  All tuition and fees must be current or the student will not be permitted to take semester exams.

Bingo and Parent Service Hours

As a reminder each family attending St. Francis is required to perform at least 25 service hours each school year,  single parent households are required to provide 15 service hours each school year. Please visit the school website by clicking on this Link for a clear explanation of your families particular requirements.  

Below are some upcoming regular service hour opportunities:

Friday, September 7

SFHS will be hosting Grandparents Day. Ms. Michele Bowling will need help with set-up, lunch bag preparation, and clean up. If you are available to help between the hours of 9:00 am and 2:00 please RSVP to Ms. Bowling at [email protected]

Friday, September 14

SFHS will be hosting around 800 students from different school on campus for the closing of Triduum week.   We are in need of volunteers between the hours of 8:30 am and 1:00 pm to help set up, prepare lunch and clean up, please RSVP to Ms. Lina Silva at [email protected] if you are available to help.

Bottled waters, fruit or baked goods (no brownies or peanut products)  are also needed. All items must be dropped off in disposable trays or plates at the school office either, the afternoon of Thursday, September 13 or before 9:00 am on Friday, September 14.  You receive 1.5 hours for every 2 dozen pastries, baked goods or 4 cases of water you bring. E-mail Ms. Lina Silva at [email protected] if you plan on bringing any of the requested items along with the quantity you will be bringing.  

Missed a bingo???

We are blessed to have Bingo as a meaningful part of our fundraising efforts. Each year we raise funds through our Bingo games to provide a tuition break for all families. Without Bingo and the Annual Fund, tuition would be more expensive for all students. On top of that, 61% of our families also receive a scholarship or need-based assistance.

A few years ago, the amount raised was about half of what it is today. I say that we are blessed but we are also grateful. We are grateful to have parents such as yourselves who are able to give their time to support our Friday Night Bingo. Without your support we would not be able to raise these much needed funds. Thank you!

This year I would also like to give an early acknowledgement to the following individuals and families who have committed so much time already.

The Aguilar Family (Miguel)

The Basich Family

The Bernardo Family

The Croghan Family

The Gallo Family

The Garcia Family (Givonni)

The Gomez Family (Carsten/Devlyn)

The Guerrero Family

The Hernandez-Madrigal Family

The Iniguez Family

The Kelly Family

The Martinez Family (Abel/Reina/Adam)

The Morin Family

The Rodriguez Family (Sue)

The Rojas Family

The Serrano Family

The Vasquez Family (Karley/Seth)

The Yniguez Family

If you are looking for regular service hours or looking to make up a missed Bingo assignment, we have two dates of interest for you.

Saturday September 8

SFHS will have a volunteer workday at St. Francis. We begin the day at 8:30 am and end at 12:30 pm. You are invited to bring your St. Francis student with you to help with the work and/or siblings or friends that are 18 years of age or older. Please RSVP to Nick Guerrero [email protected] if you are planning on attending this workday.

Friday, September 14

SFHS will have Bingo this night has been previously cancelled and Bingo Team 7 has been reassigned to this date.  We may need additional hands given this late change in the schedule, please RSVP to Nick Guerrero at [email protected] if you would like to attend bingo this day.
